Michael Davey wrote:

I am having a problem with betwixt and I am not sure whether it is a bug or lack of unserstanding.

The problem is that XMLIntrospector (actually ElementDescriptor.hasAttributes()) does not see the 'id' attribute for my inner class when looking for the ID/IDREF attribute (getIDAttribute()) while preparing to write the class.
After further investigation...

The problem occurs when ElementDescriptor.hasAttributes() is called before ElementDescriptor.getAttributeDescriptors().

Possible fixes:
Change javadoc for hasAttributes() to state that "getAttributeDescriptors() MUST be called before hasAttributes()" and then change XMLIntrospector.findIDAttribute() to comply with the new contract.

Change hasAttributes() to call getAttributeDescriptors() if attributes == null. Possible side effects? I'm not familiar with the code, so I couldn't say.


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