>  from:    Victor Volle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > It may be better to use Clazz and MetaClazz however. We should probably
> > name either:
> > a) following reflection:
> > MetaClass/MetaField/MetaMethod
> > AClass/AField/AMethod
> > 
> > b) create out own names:
> > MetaClazz/MetaProperty/MetaOperation
> > Clazz/Property/Operation
> > 
> > (a) might initially make more sense, but is a method bound to a specific
> > object (a delegate) something that should be named AMethod? Operation
> seems
> > a better name. Similarly for Field vs Property.
>  1 Operation (because an operation me be abstract a method generally not)
>  1 Field

Field is a problem because it clashes with java.lang.reflect.Field. It can't be 
Attribute, as thats the metadata, thus Property.

> BTW: in XMI operations and fields are subsumed under the name "feature".

Could be useful name. Is there a simple quick guide to XMI anywhere you know of?

> > > 2. In the method MetaBean#getMetaPropertyMap you 
> > > return the map of properties...
> > > ... do you intend to always create a copy?
> > 
> > The implementation can choose to do as it wishes. It might:
> > a) return an unmodifiable Map - the normal case
> > b) return a modifiable Map - for truly dynamic beans
> a) but then we need addXXX methods
> Anyway I would like to be able to react on some
> client adding a Field or Operation.

This is where (b) is not a simple HashMap implementation. Instead, it is a class that 
implements the Map interface and sends events, or reacts as it wishes.

Reusing the collections API is definitey the way to go from an API point of view ;-) 
It makes implementations a little harder, but thats the right way round.

> > > 4. What about inner classes?
> > Do we care?
> Probably not. But can we then have a 
> MetaModelFactory to plug in my own implementations for 
> MetaClass and so on. (I would need it for my code generator)

We will need various pluggable factories. I haven't started to think about them yet.

> > > 7. What about having a getName() operation
> > > in MetaUnit? (why "unit"? what about 
> > > MetaModelElement? "unit" sounds wrong
> > > for me, but I can not explain why).
> > > In MetaBean this could return 
> > > Package ShortClassName
> > 
> > MetaUnit does contain a getName()!
> Oops, overlloked that. 
> What about the name?

Yes, Unit is a bad name. I'm open to offers.


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