From: "Vincent Massol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cactus can use any JUnit test runner. Thus it should be able to use the
> exsiting JellyUnit tags with no problem. However, before running the
> tests there needs some preparations to make everything automatic:
> - packaging the application as a war or ear
> - configuring the container
> - starting it
> - deploying the app in it
> - stopping it
> These could be easily achieved through a combination of Ant and Jelly
> tags, potentially used in a Cactus Tag library which would make the
> whole thing easier and more coherent to use?

Sounds good to me.

The war/ear would be generated by the build process I guess. Different tests
may want to configure the container, start it, deploy app, stop it in
multiple times. e.g. to test the same war or ear on different deployment
configurations, containers or platforms. So deploying artifacts should be
part of the test case; whereas the war or ear should be part of the build
process shouldn't it?


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