From: "Neeme Praks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm moving this thread from ojb-dev to commons-dev, as this list seems 
> to be more appropriate for this discussion.
> > Axel Hohaus wrote:
> > >These two projects are just too similar in my mind and should
> > >join the
> > >efforts...(if authors can agree on terms, of course)
> >
> > Is it possible to read structure information from database with
> > common-sql? 


> > This could be an interesting point to use Axgen with
> > exisitng database structures and enabling a way back to XMI.
> > Is it possible to analyse differences from commons-sql XML-Input and an
> > existing database structure to creating ddl output for enhancing the
> > database sctructure?
> >
> > Cooperation of these projects seems to be very interesting.
> As far as I've understood (also mentioned above), Commons SQL is doing 
> only one thing (transform schema.xml -> database specific DDL). Not sure 
> about the features you are asking for:
> 1. transform live database -> schema.xml
> 2. diff live database and schema.xml
> AFAIK, torque has the ability to perform #1, but not #2.
> (

Commons-sql does #1. Its hoped that commons-sql will implement #2 also.

Also you can do things like

Java code with doclet tags -> schema.xml (e.g. via XDoclet)

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