Axel Hohaus wrote:

Why using a second XML-scheme to generating all output (ddl,
ojb-classes, repository). XMI is also XML based description of all
nedded informations.
Using an existing project, like commons-sql, to individualize ddl's for
specific RDBMS and generating an simplified XML from Axgen, is an good

Generating ojb-classes and repository.xml is realized in AXgen and don't need a second step.
Well, this is your choice. I will most probably implement these also for Commons SQL and then there is no real need to duplicate this also in AXgen.

In my view, it is better to have different projects specializing:
* AXgen specializes in (reading in and modeling) XMI related stuff
* Commons SQL specializes in generating database related stuff.

Thus, AXgen is more XMI centric and Commons SQL is more database centric.

But, of course, both can have some overlap, if this seems more suitable for the people involved...


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