> Straight off the top of my head, just match the format of Metaphone in any
> obvious ways. Copy the license declaration, javadoc as much as it does,
> don't do any blatant things it doesn't do code standard wise.

- Copied license: check
- Added Javadoc comments: check

> Obeying the Sun code standard is usually the easy thing to do.
> There's probably a web-page to point you to, but I have not got it to hand
> atm.

I'm not 100% familiar with the Sun code standard...but I've made the two
modules as close to Metaphone.java as I can tell in format.

One other thing - I modified the two modules to implement the Encoder 
interface.  As I was implementing an equivalent for isMetaphoneEqual() in
DoubleMetaphone and Nysiis, I got the feeling that it might be a method
declared in the Encoder interface.

Maybe a method like:

  public boolean isEncodeEqual( String s1, String s2 );

Then these encoders would all be interchangeable at the level of the Encoder 
interface that you've already defined.  Though the EncoderComparator does
serve a similar purpose now that I'm looking at it's implementation.

I originally created these two classes so they could be used as Oracle Java 
stored procedures in the database.  To be supported under Oracle, you
have to have a static method that can be invoked by the database -- instead
of having to write one to wrap the encode() calls in these two classes, I 
just added another method to each: sencode(), to indicate a 'static' encode.
Then they can be invoked directly from Oracle as Java stored procedures.

Just food for thought.

I'm no Java guru - can a static method be declared in an interface has
having to be implemented in an implementing class?

Best regards,

Kyle R. Burton


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