My mistake, I think.  I didn't notice before that I was getting a reject
on one of the files (relative to a fresh CVS checkout), so I was still
running the old version of NodeCachingLinkedList.

I'm running patch under cygwin on win98 right now, so maybe there is
something odd here.  I can try again later on other platforms, but
it'll have to wait until monday. sorry.

On 5 Jan 2003, Rich Dougherty wrote:

> > Even with this patch applied, I seem to get 2 errors, seemingly
> > serialVersionID issues (see below).
> I just did a fresh checkout from CVS and applied the patch and it worked
> ok for me on two different JDKs.
> It seems a bit odd, but perhaps you have different versions of
> NodeCachingLinkedList.emptyCollection.version2.2.obj and
> NodeCachingLinkedList.fullCollection.version2.2.obj. Can you
> double-check that you put the all the files from
> linkedlist-reimp-data.tar.gz into data/test?
> If that doesn't work, then we might need to do some more investigation.
> Perhaps you could send me a copy of your working directory.
> Rich

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