I wasn't planning to "force" anyone to move to a different list - 
the reason I started this thread is that I felt overwhelmed with the
ammount of mail, and it seems commons keeps growing. I don't think it
hurts if someone asks this question every few months :-)

Given that we now have a wiki and many people start blogging - it 
is possible that the pressure on the mail list will be reduced, so it
doesn't hurt waiting few more months. 

To throw another idea: another way to classify commons ( and not only ) 
is by the level of activity. Projects like commons-logging are stable, with
very few changes or discussions. Other projects are in full development.
It may be worth having a "jakarta-stable" - with low traffic, focused on
the components that are "done". It is very easy for an email related to a 
low-actity project to get lost in the current traffic.



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