Thanks for the reply.

That sounds like a reasonable approach for the release. I will try creating a special factory sometime next week.

In message <p05210200ba5e86b720c2@[]>, =?iso-8859-1?Q?J=F8rgen?= =?
iso-8859-1?Q?_?= =?iso-8859-1?Q?N=F8rgaard?= writes:
On Solaris however all connections using commons-net timeout after
around 4 mins.

The only way I see to do something on Solaris is to use jdk1.4.x
which has a more elaborate api for Sockets. The program "sock"
illustrates this.
Right, so what you're saying is that you want to shorten how long it
takes for a connect fail if a connection hasn't been established.
Yes, prior to the J2SE 1.4, there was no way to do this.  With
J2SE 1.4 you can either use the connect(SocketAddress, int timeout)
method the way you did in or use the java.nio package to
do a non-blocking connect and use select to implement a timeout, the
way you would in POSIX/C.  For your purposes, you have a couple of
options.  However, the easiest thing to do, which will require you
to make absolutely no changes to the commons-net source code, is
to subclass DefaultSocketFactory and reimplement the createSocket()
methods so that they create an unconnected socket and then use
Socket.connect(SocketAddress, int timeout) to establish a connection.  You
can add a timeout to be used by the SocketFactory (setter and getter
and constructor argument) when creating a connected socket.  Then just
create an instance of the SocketFactory and use
SocketClient.setSocketFactory(SocketFactory) to set the factory used
by your TelnetClient instance.

For our purposes, we have to put out a first formal release before making
changes of this sort.  For one thing, we have to agree on a backward
compatibility strategy.  My suggestion is that the first release be made,
which given the current code should be compatible with JDK 1.1 through 1.3.
After this, I suggest we abandon compatibility with prior versions of Java
and leverage J2SE 1.4 features as appropriate.  For example, there is no
reason for the telnet stuff to use threads now that we have non-blocking I/O.
Changing from a thread-based implementation to a select-based loop will
eliminate problems on some platforms, use less resources, be more efficient,
etc.  Also, J2SE 1.4 finally added SocketFactory and ServerSocketFactory
classes in, possibly eliminating the need for  The classes are almost
identical to ours and I wonder if the creators of read an article
I wrote years ago enumerating many of the flaws in or they just
finally realized what should have been obvious to anyone.  Anyway,
ours has the advantage of being an interface, but the disadvantage of
not being refactored into two interfaces.  I'm hijacking the
thread, so I'll delay further discussion until after our first release.


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