The problem is that it is not about a compliant way to do this, since I
can have any entity I define myself in my target xml (based on the DTD).
The problem is that the one that parses to the new xml file supports
everything that could end up as valid xml in the target. 
Thats why I think there should be an addition to the current xml (or
other) taglib, so we can support those outputs correctly, so we don't
have to assume the xml that is doing the parsing also needs to conform
to the target dtd.
Hope you get my point ;)

On Sat, 2003-02-01 at 21:23, Incze Lajos wrote:
> > Won't work. Why not simply put © (the copyright in latin-1)?
> > 
> > incze
> > 
> I've checked the xsl-list for an asssertion and, yes, that's the (only)
> compliant way to go. Here is a snippet from a mail where Michael Kay
> answers to a similiar (not © but  ) question:
> ========================================================================
> From: Kay Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: [newbie] output &nbsp;
> Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 15:17:55 +0100
> > I have another newbie question here.
> And the #1 FAQ
> > How can I output a non-blank-space or nbsp; from my xsl file...
> &#xa0;
> It will come out as a non-break-space character, which means exactly the
> same to the browser software as the &nbsp; entity reference. The only
> difference is that you can't see it.
> Mike Kay
> ========================================================================
> The declarations of these entities can be found here:
> incze
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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