I've found a bug in the StaticBucketMap class, the remove(Object)

     *  Implements {@link Map#remove(Object)}.
    public Object remove( Object key )
        int hash = getHash( key );

        synchronized( m_locks[ hash ] )
            Node n = m_buckets[ hash ];
            Node prev = null;

            while( n != null )
HERE>>>>>>>>>   if( n.key == null || ( n.key != null && n.key.equals(
key ) ) )  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                    // Remove this node from the linked list of nodes.
                    if( null == prev )
                        // This node was the head, set the next node to
be the new head.
                        m_buckets[ hash ] = n.next;
                        // Set the next node of the previous node to be
the node after this one.
                        prev.next = n.next;
                    return n.value;

                prev = n;
                n = n.next;

        return null;

The test is:

                if( n.key == null || ( n.key != null && n.key.equals(
key ) ) )

should be:

                if( n.key == key || ( n.key != null && n.key.equals( key
) ) )

which is how it works in get(Object), containsKey(Object) etc. and which
is correct. We have a match if the keys match using == OR if they are
equal according to equals().


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