| > I don't think you want to make commons-logging.properties contain
| > impl-specific config properties. Some impls might not even 
| use a properties
| > file for their configuration - they might use XML or some 
| other format.
| Well it might be nice to be able to specify the location of a config
| file e.g. org.apache.commons.logging.config=logging.properties
| It would be up to the impls then to interpret this as they see fit.

That would work. So you could either set the impl config file location via
property in commons-logging.properties, or by calling the
LogFactoryImpl.configure( String ) method I proposed.
| > One other idea is to define a new Common-Logging config file format.
| > LogFactory concrete impls would then map the Common-Logging 
| format to their
| > own config format in order to initialize.
| Nice idea.  The same format would work across multiple impls.  Would
| this be able to define all of the features of arbitrary impls?  This
| would have the potential to either become too restrictive or too
| complex.

>From reading the Commons Logging docs, I think one of the goals of the
project is to support a subset of functionality that is likely to be
supported by any logging implementation - just like any abstration layer
should - ie, JAXP doesn't support all the nifty Xerces features, because
they're not all fundamental enough. 


| -John K
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