A couple of comments, and a request: see intermixed.

>I've checked in my first pass at StringEscapeUtils.  It handles Java,
>JavaScript, and HTML entity escaping and unescaping.

Great -- thank you for contributing ;)

>* StringEscapeUtils is a bit much to type for a quick static API call
> -- should we rename it EscapeUtils?  It's not like there will be any
> other type of Escape...

I don't think it's a bit much, and I do like having the String in the
name of the class.  I can't think of any other EscapeUtils candidates,
but that doesn't mean there can't be any, so let's keep it as

>* Java strings can handle raw single-quotes inside strings, but I

I agree.  Good thinking.

>* escapeJava now uses lowercase letters for hex codes.  Are there any
> feelings about switching to capital letters?  I prefer caps (like
> \uCAFE instead of \ucafe) but I could go either way.

No biggie either way.

>* I made use of (and thus contributed) my StringPrintWriter class.  Do
> you think it's useful enough to make it part of the public API (and
> add tests and docs for it)?

I would say keep it private unless/until there's demand to make it
public.  The more public stuff we have, the more we have to worry about
support and maintenance as we move forward.

>* XML escape, SQL escape. They're both easy, at least in the first
> pass.  But does anyone know how to escape high-bit and control
> chars in SQL?  (I know that JDBC has its own curly-brace escapes;
> that's out of scope for this function.)

XML escape and unescape was my request, so good to see you already had
that in mind ;)  It should be fairly simple to do with the regex stuff,
just have patterns for ",',&,<,>...

>* I think it'll be ready to roll for 2.0, but if we decide to
> postpone, I'll have to change the build.xml to exclude it from the
> jar.

A bit of a sticky point, the whole 2.0 release ;)  I think Mr. Yandell
already addressed this one ;)

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

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