> A side question:  even if Java permitted operator 
> overloading, I have read
> comments to the effect that the technique is not to be 
> preferred.  Never having
> done much with it in a language that permits it, I don't have 
> the experience to
> know why.  As someone who thinks mathematically (at least at 
> times), operator
> overloading seems like the most natural thing to do to 
> preserve the semantics
> I'm accustomed to among number systems that contain one 
> another (a seemingly
> very natural inheritance hierarchy).  Can anyone out there 
> explain why operator
> overloading might be considered bad?

changing the implementation of a method via object extension is one of the
benefits of a decent OO language. It is well understood and the
semantics/contract/side effect rules of a method can be well explained. If
you call a method you expect things to happen that you have no control over
unless you read the code/docs.

In most cases this is fine. .equals() is a meaningful name, If however I am
using a class and require a particular equals behaviour with it I should
check that the class does what I want it to do (or write my own etc. etc.)

When I write == I mean object identity. period. I have no need to check the
implementation since the Java spec defines this behaviour. like wise += -=
et al for all the primitives. 

When coding the ground can always shift under your feet. what operator
overloading gives you is a whole new section of ground which might drop out
from underneath you. this is not a good thing.

I actually dislike suns use of + and += with Strings. It confuses no end of
people when I tell them "foo" == "f" + "o" + "o" is by no means guaranteed
to be true. This is not even true operator overloading, the == is still
testing identity and + is being precompiled (albeit by the compiler ;¬) to
StringBuffer.append() rather than a genuine virtual method invocation.

Truly gifted coders can certainly find a use for virtual operators in
achieving 'pretty'* solutions. When 'avaerage' coders come along they don't
understand the intricacies involved and bugger the code up beyond belief.
Remember that not all coders are as clever as you might want them to be**.
code maintenance is, for most businesses***, far more significant in
resource cost that the original coding. *Relying* on 'clever'**** features
like operator overloading, static method overshadowing, Background
canonicalization of Strings, non type safe casting are a real bad idea IMO.

Sun chose not to allow the overloading of C++, nor the cast shenanigans of
C. they did include some real doozies, like trying to make believe Strings
are primitives to the coding process yet making them woefully
underperformant for the common primitive alike operations.

rant over (honest). I have only met two other developer at my workplace that
understood about String == comparisons without me telling them. of them
neither understood how compiler optimizations and String canoicalization
covered up the problem.


* you get what I mean - clean/terse/seemingly effortless
** I certainly wish I was
*** those people that pay most of us probably
**** anything happening behind the back of a large number of the coders on
your project
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