hi mark

it's pretty much the scenario that you describe that concerns me. phil has certainly been the most active member of the commons-math development team but commons-math was originate by myself. i'm glad to say that tim joined and has done most of the spade work (good work, tim). it's a credit to the commons-math community that the contribution by non-committers has been so great. this points towards a healthy future for the component.

there are other avenues in apache available for the development of code bases - the incubator project or the commons project where the rules and aims are different. but commons-math is in the sandbox and we need to be careful about remaining within the bounds set.

- robert

On Thursday, June 5, 2003, at 11:35 PM, Mark R. Diggory wrote:


Your viewpoint is warranted and understandable, the motivation for the sandbox is to provide a means to refactor existing projects/fragments into better designed components, As such its fair to see its activity oriented to existing developers. I know I was voted in for both my interest in the Math component project and the past work I've done with Jelly and HttpClient.

But IMHO, this is a unique case that should be reconsidered. Consider the following: a non-commiter reviews a project in the Commons, sees that there are avenues for enhancment or refactoring, and proposes a project to consolidate/enhance those features. This proposal is approved and a new sandbox project is born. Because the one who proposed the project is not already a commiter, their efforts are diminished during the projects initial development. Thus "limiting" the projects productivity and future development.

I don't believe math started as an independent project, math is the foster child of the lang project, based on decisions about enhancing and giving a home to the math features that are present there. As such, there is a grey area here. As Phil's basis for proposing was on code in [lang]
it possibly seems the responsibility for nominating commit rights falls on the shoulders of that original commons component [lang]. This is based on the discussions about placing math tools in lang that gave rise to the sandbox math development.

Finally, To clarify, my specific reasons for nomination concern the fact that a large amount of "energy pushing this component forwards" is coming from Phil, being he initially proposed the project, isn't it unfair to exclude him from being a member of the team that brings it to maturity?

Long live Jakarta-Commons,
Mark Diggory

robert burrell donkin wrote:
i'm sad to do this (since i think that phil's demonstrated the qualities required and i'd support a nomination when and if math makes it into the commons proper) but i think that nominating people for contributions to the sandbox will cause troubles (sooner or later) and also that it's against the spirit of the common charter.
as i understand it, the commons is responsible for supervising the sandbox,
nothing more. the sandbox is not a subproject in it's own right and exists only to allow apache developers to collaborate. i believe that the commons can and should only elect committers for its own components.

i also feel that one of the reasons stated by mark for nomination (that we need him on board to make it to release) is not a good one. we in the commons are charged by the ASF with supervising the sandbox. if there is insufficient energy to push a component forwards then there will be insufficient energy to properly supervise new committers.

i'd like to ask the math developers for a little patience. i'm convinced that commons-math has a bright future but it will take a little time. i also hope that phil doesn't take this personally (this isn't anything against him personally but against the principle of nominating new non-apache committers for sandbox components).
- robert
On Thursday, June 5, 2003, at 02:39 PM, Mark R. Diggory wrote:
I'm not sure if I have enough rights yet to nominate Phil Steitz for commiter (I just became a commiter myself). Phil is the initial proposal author on the math project. That in and of itself should be enough to warrant his inclusion. Phil has been supplying many patches and is now considering development of the "complex number" architecture for the package. I think he would make an excellent commiter as he has done a great deal of work via patches to clarify the coding, testing and documentation standards for the math project. We *need* him to have commit rights on this project before we can make it to release.


Mark Diggory

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