On Tue, 27 May 2003 12:44 am, Mark R. Diggory wrote:
> I know its only been a couple buisness days since this went out, what is
> the usuall amount of time it takes to process a new commiter? Are there
> any steps that I personally need to complete?
> thanks again,
> Mark


IMHO, the normal process is for the person who proposed the vote to send a 
request for your account to root, copying the PMC. This tells the PMC what is 
going on, satisfying its oversight requirements and lets root know the PMC 
has been informed. I don't think the PMC needs to actually initiate the 

In your case, I don't think any request has been sent to root as yet. I'll do 
that this time. There are a few things you need to do

1. read this http://www.apache.org/dev/committers.html
2. nominate a userid, preferred email address
3. Send in a signed CLA (see 1)

Please get back to me on (2) and I will send in an account request


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