--- "Endo, Roger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > One question that comes to mind is:  "What problems does 
> > having complex
> > > mathematics solve?"  Basically I am wondering whether we 
> > should consider how or
> > > even if real-world users would employ these facilities 
> > before going through the
> > > exercise of getting them right.
> > 
> > This is a very good question and one that we should *always* ask.  I 
> > have to confess that I have used "my" implementation only for 
> > mathematical applications.  I know that there are direct engineering 
> > applications, but I frankly do not know how common they are 
> > in the "real 
> > world".
> I'm actually on this list for some of the other projects...thought I chime
> in since I know the complex space fairly well and have used Visual Numerics
> and other libraries as well as written some of my own code.
> The obvious "real world" application for complex math that stands out to me
> is the FFT (fourier transform) which is used in many image and signal
> processing applications.
> So I definitely think there is a demand, but since other libraries already
> exist, there should be no hurry on your timetable.

Thanks for the input, Roger.  I think for FFT's in particular, we would want to
profile whether using a complex number class would be fast enough compared to
using two primitive doubles.  The "Fast" in "Fast Fourier Transform" should be
preserved as much as possible, IMHO.

But as you say, this issue is most likely one for the future.


Albert Davidson Chou

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