Phil Steitz wrote:
I would be open to merging special with analysis, or making it a subpackage.

I agree on the package structure, I'm a little hesitant to suggest placing special and analysis together right now until its clearer what the "scope" of each package would encompass.

Wolfram categorizes these as

Calculus and Analysis > Special Functions > Gamma Functions


Applied Mathematics > Numerical Methods

so it may be good to retain separate categorization to describe the scope of each package clearly. Keeping them separate means there room for the implementations within those "scopes" to grow in the future without any "major" refactoring or restructuring of the packages when they get to big. What do you think?

Also, I now think theres allot more consideration we could put into the package structure that relates back to the scope and definition of the implementations that are present there. It may be wise to review the categorical structure of sites like wolframs and explore similar types of organization as templates for package structuring.


I would also like to change the name of "Freq" to "Frequency". It bothers me every time I look at this name, which is a throwback to SAS. I should have changed it before submitting the class, but I was too lazy to change my own code that depends on it. The name should be changed to be a full word.

Yea, go Eclipse, theres nothing like refactoring the name of one class and watching its effects propagate through the entire package for you.

I was quite pleasantly surprised the day I learned that this also worked across separate projects. I have projects in eclipse that form a dependency tree "RePast" <-- "RePast Taglibrary" <-- "various simulation models". I've become a developer on the RePast project, and started working on it. I was able to propagate the changes from all my refactorings in RePast directly down the project tree into my various simulation projects. The day I learned that I got up and danced around the room! My office-mates though I was going crazy.


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