Phil Steitz wrote:

--- "Mark R. Diggory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tim O'Brien wrote:

On Tue, 17 Jun 2003, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

Phil Steitz wrote:

--- "Mark R. Diggory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm sorry, I'm not really talking about the spec, just a general trend in design of Java Beans that I've observed and kinda been "trained" to do. So, if its against the spec even, I suspect I should change my view-point.

I also try to adhere to this practice, but let's all agree not to call
Univariate implementations "JavaBeans" (even though we are going to derive benefits from using the getXXX() syntax).

Mark, let me know when you've come to a stopping point, and I'll move source to the proposed packages.

I want to retain the content/examples for my proposed changes, is it acceptable to start another directory or should I tag and create a cvs branch with the proposed changes in it?

Why not just retain them locally?

Is there a Jakarta policy on this kind of thing?

Because if one is a commiter, one can use the cvs branching mechanism to approach prototyping. if a prototype implmentation is ever approved it can be merged into the trunk. Providing it in the cvs opens it up easily to review by other developers simply by checking out that particular branch. Yes, I also wonder if there is a Jakarta Policy on such a thing.


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