> > 
> > 
> > More nitpicking.  I don't see that multiplying top and bottom by
> values.length
> > makes things better.  In fact, it could reduce precision by inflating the
> > magnitude of the first term before subtracting from it and dividing it.
> > 
> hmm, good points. this may be an example of where "consolidating 
> division operations" to limit the amount of division going on does not 
> necessarily lead to a better algorithm. Its general practice to 
> consolidate division operations to produce a more efficient algorithm 
> where ever possible. 

These kinds of statements need to be substantiated from a numerical analysis
standpoint. I would like to suggest that from this point forward all assertions
about numerical stability or "best practices" in numerical computing using J2SE
be accompanied by references to definitive sources.  

Now I have my doubts that its proper to do from 
> what you've suggested. Yes, its optimized an will be a faster 
> calculation ("values.length" fewer expensive divisions) , but it will be 
> less accurate as you've suggested. Accuracy should probably be weighted 
> of greater importance than efficiency in much of our work.

That is a debatable assertion. The best approach is to actually do the analysis
to determine exactly what the computational cost difference is, examine the use
cases and make a decision on what to implement and whether or not to give the
user a choice.

> > Also, do we really need the explicit casts to double?  It seems to me that
> the
> > numerators are doubles, so the whole calculation will be double.
> >
> It may be an artifact from learning to program in other languages and 
> not truly understanding type conversion in java arithmetic. Is it the 
> case that in double/int --> double the int is converted to a double 
> *prior* to the division occurring. I remember a discussion where it was 
> recommended by others in the group to explicitly cast int's to double's 
> in algorithms as a best practice.
Omitting explicit casts has caused us problems in the past.  I suggest that we
continue to follow the practice of adding them.

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