On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 11:43, Jason van Zyl wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 11:17, Peter Royal wrote:
> > On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 11:10  AM, Jason van Zyl wrote:
> > > If you are compiling a bit of Jelly to a Script what resources must be
> > > present to simply compile. This bit of Jelly may have various 
> > > references
> > > to classes that must be loaded and my question is must these resources
> > > be present for the compile and if so which ClassLoader is used? Or will
> > > the resources be searched for only when Script is run against a
> > > JellyContext?
> > 
> > How/where are those references to classes?
> In my case they may be jelly beans or taskdef references. In the
> XMLParser classloading does only appear to be used to resolve taglib
> references but I just wanted to make sure.

Bob also just pinged me and said that if a particular taglib can't be
found then a StaticTag will be created and when the Script is run the
taglib will be looked for again.

So theoretically I don't need anything to compile to Script form which
is good news for me.

> >  It is my understanding that 
> > to compile into a Script, the engine just needs to be able to resolve 
> > all of the tags. So if your references are only used when tags are 
> > evaluated, they shouldn't be needed at script compilation time..
> That's what I'm hoping.
> > -pete
> > 
> > 
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Jason van Zyl

In short, man creates for himself a new religion of a rational
and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.
  -- Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society

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