It seems that your [patch] (attachment file) has an extra carriage
return CR added: 0D0D0A (CRCRLF: Two ASCII carriage returns and
a line feed) instead of 0D0A (CRLF).

Needless to say, "diff -u" would make redundant patch because
"diff" compares '0D0D0A' and '0D0A'.

How did you make this patch? (What kind of tool/editor did you use?)


-- Tetsuya ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

P.S. I think recently "0D0D0A"s are scattered here and there
in jakarta...


On 28 Jun 2003 13:46:31 -0400
(Subject: [PATH]FileUpload fix for filename for msiexplorer)
maciek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Method getName() in class when used with
> msiexplorer 5/6 returns a filename with the whole client's filesystem
> path which creates a problem when you want to save the file on a
> server's filesystem. I have chanaged the implementation of the getName()
> method to strip the path information from the filename.Below is my
> proposed implementation for getName() method:
> public String getName()
>     {
>          if(fileName.lastIndexOf("\\") != -1){
>               return fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
>          }else{
>               return fileName;
>          }
>     } 
> I have attached the fileName_fix_forMSIE.txt patch file.
> I have rebuild the entire source code to create a new jar and tested it
> with Tomcat and Resin. It works now with MSIE. A simple call to
> item.getName() returns only filename where item is of type FileItem.
> I think that it would be a better idea to change the implementation of
> the method without breaking of the FileUpload component interface than
> letting web developers to take care of the problem inside a jsp file.
> I think users of the component should use the method transparently
> without worrying about the possible problem with MSIE with the guarantee
> that ONLY filename will be returned from getName() method.
> Regards,
> Maciej Brodala

Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.
(Apache Jakarta Translation, Japanese)

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