0. Please prefix emails by topic, eg.[collections]

> 1.  Has anyone else had a need for a timeout affected priority queue?
I haven't had a need for such a class, other may have.

> 3.  How do I submit a draft of the classes - do I attach a zip file or
> into the body of an email?
Either a zip attachment, or a link to the zip on another server

> 4.  Who do I send it to?
The link/zip should be to this list.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Cheung Lo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 9:59 AM
Subject: Proposal for a Timeout Affected Priority Queue

> Proposal for a Timeout Affected Priority Queue
> Currently available open source queues fall into 2 categories: FIFO/LIFO
> priority-sorted.  These are fine, so long as the supply of resources to
> process the queue jobs exceed demand over the time period of interest.
> this is true, all the jobs are processed in a timely fashion.
> In my last project however, the above assumption could not be made.  The
> jobs had an initial priority but during busy periods, the continous
> insertion of higher priority jobs implied that lower priority jobs did not
> get done.  This pattern occured in another previous project as well.  In
> insurance office, during periods of low-normal activity, answering
> calls had higher priority over policy administration.  However, admin
> only be delayed for a limited period.  If this period timed out, the
> priority of policy admin increased so that resources were diverted away
> new customer calls.  In other circumstances, jobs that time out may be
> binned instead.
> I have implemented a generic solution to a self managing Timeout Affected
> Priority (TAP) Queue.  There are 3 core classes: TapQueue, TapObject and
> TapConsumer.  Whenever a consumer pops the next next job, the queue checks
> for any priority timeouts and, if necessary, re-prioritizes the queue
> returning the next job.  Internally, the TapQueue uses a modified version
> org.apache.commons.collections.BinaryHeap.
> I would like to propose the adoption of the TapQueue into the collections
> packages but need feedback on the following issues:
> 1.  Has anyone else had a need for a timeout affected priority queue?
> 2.  If so, what additional requirements did you have that is not already
> described?
> 3.  How do I submit a draft of the classes - do I attach a zip file or
> into the body of an email?
> 4.  Who do I send it to?
> Cheung Lo
> London, UK
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