I am not sure whether this stats will be a help,
however, I can show you:


Since October 2001 -- as of 31th July, 2003 (GMT)

(Total POSTS:             32662
 Unique E-mail addresses:  1054)

--TOP 10-- (messages)
   N A M E          | E-mail Address        |Last Act. | Posts|
MR. BUGZILLA ;-)    |bugzilla at apache.org |2003-07-31|  3193|
James Strachan      |jstrachan at apache.org|2003-07-23|  2123|
Dion Gillard        |dion at apache.org     |2003-07-24|  2113|
Henri Yandell       |bayard at apache.org   |2003-07-31|  1540|
Stephen Scolebourne |scolebourne at apache.o|2003-07-31|  1504|
Robert B. Donkin    |rdonkin at apache.org  |2003-07-31|  1407|
Morgan Delagrange   |morgand at apache.org  |2003-07-08|  1053|
Craig R. McClanahan |craigmcc at apache.org |2003-07-31|   894|
Scott Sanders       |sanders at apache.org  |2003-07-30|   609|
Rodney Waldhoff     |rwaldhoff at apache.org|2003-07-20|   589|

--TOP  5-- (cvs commit -- total: 11211 commits/ 86 committers)
   N A M E          | E-mail Address        |Last Act. | Posts|
                    |jstrachan at apache.org|2003-06-09|  1489|
                    |dion at apache.org     |2003-07-24|  1463|
                    |scolebourne at apache.o|2003-07-31|   649|
                    |rdonkin at apache.org  |2003-07-31|   571|
                    |morgand at apache.org  |2003-06-12|   530|

(Note: I conjoined Apache committers' mail addresses)


Also, I think you can consult AGORA ,
if you are interested in the *community dynamism*.
(MBOX archives can be retrieved from

Hope this might help you to some extent.

-- Tetsuya ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

P.S. Why aren't there no MBOX archives of commons-user, BTW?? :)


On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 10:03:59 +1000
(Subject: Commons popularity)
"Vikram Goyal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I need to compile together the popularity of Jakarta Commons in terms
> of daily downloads, activity on the mailing lists and developer
> interest for a forthcoming book. I understand that it would be hard
> to give figures for overall Commons because of so many sub projects
> within it.
> Does anyone have any information or figures that they could point me
> to that would help in this research?
> Regards,
> Vikram Goyal

Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.
(Apache Jakarta Translation, Japanese)

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