Commons Validator 1.1.0 Alpha is now available for testing.

Please refer to
that details some of the changes that have taken place since the 1.0.2 release.


Just a reminder :
The release process is following the same general procedures established for the Apache HTTPD project <> and Jakarta Commons products <>, and utilize the HTTPD numbering scheme.

The release will initially be given an Alpha status and made available through the Release Manager's home directory. Pursuant to a Majority Vote on the /commons-dev/ Mailing List, the release may be moved to the public release directory. The vote may also serve to reclassify the release to be of *Beta* or *General Availability* (GA) quality, as defined by the Apache HTTPD project. Subsequent votes may reclassify the release, either to promote it or to demote it, as need be.


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