On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 01:34, Juancarlo Aņez wrote:
> >>>>>
> There are some interesting legalities. When we donate code to Apache, we
> obviously are giving ownership of that code over to the ASF. 

The original author also retains copyright. And given that no one else
has contributed to the project Juan is basically the only committer, in
addition the project is in the sandbox. It is really only a problem if
the ASF were going to pursue anything and is it really for a project in
the sandbox with a single author who wishes to leave and keep the name
of his project. Probably not.

> Not a biggy
> under a BSD-like licence as we can just fork it. However, we're also
> giving over the copyright on the name, so possibly ASF own 'JRCS' as a
> name. If you decide to migrate away, we might just have to do a bit of
> quick figuring out of an exit strategy for code that is effectively under
> 'incubation'.
> <<<<<
> Hen,
> I hadn't thought about that. Thanks for the insight. In all honesty, I think
> that the name "JRCS" was always a bad choice, so I don't expect the name of
> the project to be an issue.
> Juanca
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Jason van Zyl

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and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.
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