That seems like a different kind of service factory than BuilderFactory.  There's no 
reason why
BuilderFactory has to be the only game in town, or be the kitchen sink ... we can have 
factories, even special purpose or single purpose factories.

There's a tradeoff between trying to address every special case in advance and 
managing the
documentation (not to mention the end-user's understanding of the framework). The more 
we put in,
the more the users have to figure out.

My experience with Tapestry is that if you provide a good, flexible platform the users 
will tell you
what they need.  HiveMind already puts Tapestry to shame (which makes sense, from my 
larger view of
what HiveMind is intended for ... I split it out of Tapestry 3.0 so that I could use 
it in Tapestry

What's the biggest problem with Tapestry today?  The documentation hasn't kept up with 
the code and
people are *very* frustrated.

So, for each feature, I've been asking myself:
- Is this absolutely necessary?
- Does it have to be in the core framework?
- How will I document this feature?

Finally, I think the best solution for a more general purpose service implementation 
factory is to
make use of OGNL and/or Jython. With those solutions, you can basically "code" inside

Howard M. Lewis Ship
Creator, Tapestry: Java Web Components

> -----Original Message-----
> From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Knut Wannheden
> Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 1:51 AM
> Subject: [HiveMind] extend BuildFactory to use static fields/methods
> Hi,
> I was wondering whether it would make sense to extend the 
> BuildFactory service (or maybe add a new wervice) to also be 
> able to construct objects by returning the value of a classes 
> static field or by calling a static method on a class. The 
> former would obviously be simpler. E.g. (as a new service):
> <invoke-factory service-id="hivemind.StaticBuilderFactory">
>  <construct class="foo.Bar" static-field="BAZ">
>   <set.../>
>  </construct>
> </invoke-factory>
> --knut
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