Once it goes beta, I'll start monitoring the user list as well as the developer list.

Unless beta coincides with promotion to top level, in which case there will be a hivemind-user and hivemind-dev lists.

WebCT will be getting back to me soon to finalize the wording for promotion (I developed HiveMind partially on their time, so they have a say -- they want to ensure they get proper credit).

You will also probably need to get guidance from the Apache Foundation,
on Acknowledging WebCT before moving HiveMind to Commons/Jakarta level.
Many companies like Sun/IBM have contributed many man years of
labor to Jakarta Projects and they just get very minimal acknowledgment.


If WebCT requires the acknowledgment to be larger than the existing acknowledgments for Sun/IBM for example
and Apache isn't as a whole won't allow it,...and you agree then a viable alternative
might be to move the project elsewhere like Source Forge.

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