> > I noticed Alexander Hvostov's recent email
> > containing streamable
> > base64 codecs.  Given that the current codec
> > implementations are
> > oriented around in-memory buffers, is there room for
> > an
> > alternative codec framework supporting stream
> > functionality?  I
> > realise the need for streamable codecs may not be
> > that great but
> > it does seem like a gap in the current library.
> I'm in the need. So we are at least 3 :) 
> > Some of the goals I was working towards were:
> > 1. No memory allocation during streaming.  This
> > eliminates
> > garbage collection during large conversions.
> Cool. I got large conversions... I'm already at
> mediumblob in mysql , and it goes up/down XML stream
> :)

I have a lot to learn here.  While I have some knowledge
of XML (like every other developer on the planet), I
have never used it for large data sets or used SAX parsing.
Sounds like a good test to find holes in the design :-)

> > 3. Customisable receivers.  All codecs utilise
> > receivers to
> > handle conversion results.  This allows different
> > outputs such as
> > streams, in-memory buffers, etc to be supported.
> And writers :) Velocity directives use them.

Do you mean java.io.Writer?  If so I haven't included
direct support for them because I focused on raw byte
streams.  However it shouldn't be hard to add a
receiver to write to java.io.Writer instances.

> I'll give it a look at and come back later today :) 

I look forward to your feedback.

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