Arun Thomas wrote:
> "The toCollection(), toList(), etc. stuff would be no different
> (other than the collection overhead) from toArray().  What would get
> copied are object references."
> I understood the proposed methods would work in this way.  I guess my
> questions is why it would be particularly useful to add these extra
> methods (toCollection, toList, toSet) as opposed to simply passing
> the composite collection to the addAll() method of the
> Collection/List/Set?

Now I understand and agree (though it will be interesting to test this).
> In general, if a particular behaviour is expected of the resulting
> collection/list/set, the particular method used will be something to
> the effect of: toCollection(Collection c), or toList(List l) where a
> object with the expected characteristics can be passed in for
> filling.  But in this case, all it can do is call addAll on the
> supplied collection (or iterate and add each element individually I
> suppose).
> So, I'm not quite sure why this would be a useful/good thing?
> Also, I think that the behaviour you propose for nested collections
> is actually quite different from what composite collection provides.
> The composite allows a set of collections to be treated as a
> collection (at least, so I understood from previous mails with code),
> which doesn't really consider the contents of those individual
> collections.
> I do think that many of those behaviours could be useful, but I'm not
> sure that overloading is the way to go about it.  Since a
> CompositeCollection IS A Collection, a user of the overloaded methods
> may not necessarily know whether the collection at hand is a
> Collection or a CompositeCollection, and could find unexpected
> behaviour when calling the overloaded methods.

Yes. I agree. Overloading would not be a good idea, for the reason that
you gave.

> Have I understood your proposals correctly?
> Cheers, -AMT
> -----Original Message----- From: Phil Steitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 10:42 AM To: Jakarta Commons
> Developers List Subject: Re: [collections] [PATCH]
> CompositeCollection class for Commons-Collections
> Arun Thomas wrote:
>>>> The last comment suggests another possibly useful method:  >>>
>>>> toList(), returning an aggregated collection consisting of all
>>>> of  >>> the objects in the composite collections.  >>  >  > In
>>>> this case, will there be a clever way to return an aggregation
>>>> of  > this sort that isn't simply a new object with copies of
>>>> all elements  > of the contained objects?  If that's the case,
>>>> then is seems more  > reasonable to leave the creation of this
>>>> type of object to the user -  > create a new object passing in
>>>> the composite collection in the  > constructor, or use
>>>> addAll(Collection c).  >  > If there's a clever way to handle
>>>> provide the implementation of  > List/Set/Collection using the
>>>> contained collections as a base, that  > might be interesting,
>>>> but otherwise....
> That's essentially what the CompositeCollection class does --
> decorates the aggregated collections with a Collection interface.
> The toCollection(), toList(), etc. stuff would be no different (other
>  than the collection overhead) from toArray().  What would get copied
> are object references.
> Thinking a little more, I suppose that the semantics of both
> toArray() and toCollection() could be extended to fully flatten what
> could effectively become a tree of collections.  Since
> CompositeCollection is a Collection, composites could themselves be
> aggregated (as in Brian's use case above).  In this case, extensions
> of toArray() or toCollection() returning all of the objects nested in
> the collections might make sense. Of course this applies to ordinary
> collections as well.  Could be that if these methods are useful, they
> all (including CompositeCollection.toCollection()) belong in
> CollectionUtils, so instead of CompositeCollection.toCollection(), we
> just overload CollectionUtils.union(CompositeCollection) (maybe also
> intersection) and, if the "tree traversal" stuff is useful, we add
> something like CollectionUtils.traverse(Collection) that unwinds
> nested collections, returning a flattened list of objects that are
> not collections (carefully avoiding getting stuck in cycles) and
> maybe also CollectionUtils.rank(Collection) that returns the integer
> length of the longest branch in the tree. Individual objects also
> have ranks -- CollectionUtils.rank(Collection, Object) = level where
> Object is first encountered in breadth-first search.  OK, I will shut
> up now, starting to sound too much like a logician...Is any of this
> useful?
> Phil
>> Cheers, -AMT
>> -----Original Message----- From: Phil Steitz
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  >  Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003
>> 8:31 AM To: Jakarta Commons  > Developers List Subject: Re:
>> [collections] [PATCH]  > CompositeCollection class for
>> Commons-Collections  >  >  > Brian McCallister wrote:  >  >> On
>> Wednesday, November 5, 2003, at 12:10 AM, Phil Steitz wrote:  >>
>> >>  >>> I think that that javadoc for remove is incorrect when it
>> says:  >>> "This implementation calls <code>remove()</code> on each
>> >>> collection." It stops when it finds the element to be removed.
>> >>> The contract needs to be made more explicit here.  It might
>> >>> actually be better to push remove() into the Mutator, since one
>> >>> could argue that the current "remove strategy" (kill the first
>> >>> one found) is no less arbitrary than a default "add" strategy
>> >>> that just adds to the last collection.  Might be better to make
>> >>> this pluggable like add.  >>  >>  >> To quote the Collection
>> API doc: <quote> Removes a single instance  >> of the specified
>> element from this collection, if it is present  >> (optional
>> operation).  More formally, removes an element e such  >> that
>> (o==null ?  e==null :  o.equals(e)), if this collection  >>
>> contains one or more such  elements. </quote>  >>  >> I agree that
>> this could be pluggable, but I think that providing a  >> "remove
>> first found" as a default is very reasonable in this case  >> as it
>> fits the idiomatic behavior people expect from extent  >>
>> collections.  >  >  > Note the similarity to the API doc for add:
>> "Ensures that this  > collection contains the specified element
>> (optional operation).  > Returns true if this collection changed as
>> a result of the call.  > (Returns false if this collection does not
>> permit duplicates and  > already contains the specified element.)"
>> >  > My point is that "kill first" in a composite collection is no
>> more  > "natural" than "add last".  I would be OK with both being
>> defaulted  > but modifiable via Mutator.  Since "the collection"
>> could mean either  > the aggregate or *each* of the summands in
>> each case, I see both add  > and remove as ambiguous (hence the
>> need for strategies).  This is a  > small point.  >  >  >> +0
>> (non-binding) for putting this into the CollectionMutator but  >>
>> providing present behavior as default if no mutator set (rather  >>
>> than an exception as add/addAll do. This is internally inconsistent
>> >> though so I would welcome better ideas.  >>  >>  >>> The
>> containsAll javadoc says "This is O(n^2) at the moment, be  >>>
>> careful using it.".  >>  >>  >> It is not correct anymore. It was
>> in the original version but the  >> implementation has changed
>> significantly already =)  >>  >>  >>> I am curious about how much
>> faster this can be done without an  >>> ordering.  >>  >>  >>
>> Dropping ordering on what?  >  >  > What I meant was that without
>> assuming an ordering on the aggregate  > (so binary search would be
>> possible), is there a faster way to do the  > "*all" methods. I
>> assume that if there is a clever way to do this,  > that is what
>> the JDK methods do.  >  >  >>> The last comment suggests another
>> possibly useful method:  >>> toList(), returning an aggregated
>> collection consisting of all of  >>> the objects in the composite
>> collections.  >>  >>  >> That works for me, though I would make it
>> a Collection and return  >> the actual type of whichever subclass.
>> I suspect Stephen will  >> suggest that it be toCollection(),
>> toList(), and toSet()  >> respectively in order to allow greater
>> specificity of the return  >> type, which I am also okay with.  >
>> >  > What do you mean by "whichever subclass"?  The aggregated
>> collections  >  could be of multiple different types. That makes an
>> interesting  > problem. I suppose that toCollection() could return
>> an instance of  > the one common type if the summands are
>> "homogeneous" (all the same  > type), otherwise default to a
>> (Array?)List or (Hash?)Set.  I agree  > that toSet() would also be
>> natural. Need to think about these things  > some more.  It might
>> be better to just have the API take the  > aggregation target as an
>> actual parameter -- i.e.  > toCollection(collection), effectively
>> punting the issue of return  > types.  >  > Anyone have any
>> objections to committing this to the decorators  > subpackage?  >
>> > Phil  >  >  >> Hmm, would be nice if Java let you override a
>> method to return a  >> subclass of the return type of the method
>> being overridden. It  >> would satisfy the static typing still.  >>
>> >> -Brian  >>  >> PS: I have attached changes discussed  >>  >>  >
>> >  >  >  >
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