Not attached to this, a Differentiable Interface would be acceptable to me too.

On another subject, maybe because of my naivety, why are these interfaces called "UnivariateRealFunction" and not simply something more generic like RealFunction? I say this strictly because of what I consider an overuse of the term "Univariate" in many of our Classnames...



The CubicSplineFunction is the only place, that I'm aware of, that
truly implements these methods.  Also, these method are never called
anywhere in the code, save the unit tests.  This includes calls
through either the interface or the concrete classes.

As I see it we have three choices:
1) let it as is
2) add a differentiable interface per Mike's suggestion.
3) remove the derivative methods from the interface and keep them only
on CubicSplineFunction.

In order of preference, I choose 2, 1, 3.

On Fri, 07 Nov 2003 15:02:46 -0500, "Mark R. Diggory" wrote:


What is the purpose for having the firstDerivative() and secondDerivative() methods on a UnivariateRealFunction ?

One of the interpolating routines use the first and second


It is a little troubling to me to have at this level (perhaps if
needed a subclass such as UnivariateDifferentiableRealFunction ).

This might be a good idea.  When I used the solvers to evaluate the
inverse cumulative distribution functions, I found the
UnivariateRealFunction interface a bit cumbersome for my needs.

Some methods do not neccessarily need to be exposed via an interface
if they are used internally. While some UnivariateRealFunction implementations may require this capability, is it required to be in
the interface?


Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

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Brent Worden

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-- Mark Diggory Software Developer Harvard MIT Data Center

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