I made some changes to the code I supplied previously, it can
be found at the following URL.


The main differences relate to the codec interfaces and support
for data types other than "byte", the encoding algorithms
are largely unchanged.

A quick summary of the framework is as follows:

Framework is based around consumers and producers, consumers
accept incoming data and producers produce outgoing data. A
consumer implements the Consumer interface and a producer
implements the Producer interface.

Specialisations of these interfaces are used for each type
of data to be converted.  For example there are currently
ByteConsumer, ByteProducer, CharConsumer and CharProducer

The engine package contains classes (and interfaces) that
are both consumers and producers (ie. accept incoming data
and produce result data).  For example there is a ByteEngine
interface that implements ByteConsumer and ByteConsumer
interfaces and is in turn implemented by the Base64Encode
concrete class.

Engines may consume one kind of data and produce another,
the CharByteEngine interface defines an engine that
consumes characters and produces bytes.  This is implemented
by the CharSetEncode class (untested).

The consumer package contains classes that consume data
and perform an action on the data that doesn't allow it to
be accessed via producer functionality.  For example, the
BufferByteConsumer class acts as a receiving buffer for
encoding results, the OutputStreamConsumer writes all data
to an OutputStream.

The producer package contains classes that produce data
for the framework but don't accept data via consumer
functionality.  For example, the OutputStreamProducer
is an OutputStream that "produces" all data passed to it.

The io package contains classes that fit into the java.io
functionality that are neither consumers or producers in
the framework sense.  For example, the CodecOutputStream
is a FilterOutputStream that uses an internal ByteEngine
to perform a transformation on the data passing through it.

JUnit tests exist for most classes in the framework.
All testing is performed using JUnit.  If there is no unit
test for a class, it can be considered untested.

The framework is now generic enough to handle data of any
type and allow classes to be defined which can accept
any kind of data and/or produce any kind of data.  All
data can be processed in a "streamy" fashion.  For example,
encoding engines implementing the ByteEngine interface
can be plugged into CodecOutputStream or CodecInputStream
and used for stream functionality without directly
supporting java.io streams.

Using the CharSetEncode and (currently non-existent)
CharSetDecode, it should be possible to encode character
data to base64 then write result to a Writer.  This
should go part way towards helping Konstantin with his
XML conversions.

Sorry about the brain dump but there is a fair bit
contained in the zip file and I thought some explanation
would be useful.

Any feedback on the above is highly welcome.  I don't
plan on making too many more changes unless it is
deemed useful.


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