I am intending to proceed with this on Sunday all being well, unless I hear


----- Original Message -----
> >  from:    __matthewHawthorne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Packages for collection, set, list, buffer, bag, and map look good to
> > me.  The decorators package can just be split up and categorized
> > accordingly.
> >
> > However, I disagree with a few things.  For example, are there enough
> > BidiMap implementations to warrant a separate package?  I don't think
> > so.  A BidiMap is a special type of Map, so how about putting it in
> > o.a.c.c.map?
> I split the packages so most had a base interface and a Sorted
subinterface in one. Thus Set and SortedSet are together, Map and SortedMap,
Bag and SortedBag, and thus BidiMap and SortedBidiMap. Note that I
deliberately did NOT propose a subpackage for each interface because I
paired things like this.
> The JDK List interface is not called 'ListCollection', or Set called
'SetCollection'. But they are both sufficiently large concepts to justify a
subpackage. I guess it would be more obvious if BidiMap was called Bidi!
Remember, that each interface and Sorted version comes with a set of
decorator classes (predicated, sync, unmod,...). They haven't been written
for bidi yet, but sometime they will be.
> > I also disagree with moving the observable classes.  The way I see it,
> > the desire for a collection that is observable overrides a desire for a
> > specific collection type.  The observable classes represent a distinct
> > functionality, and splitting them across the suggested packages seems
> > confusing to me.  Plus, it seems we would still need an observed or
> > observable package - else, what package would ModificationEvent and
> > ModificationHandler go in?
> >
> > The observable classes are used together, will change together, so why
> > not package them together?  The problem with this is that it doesn't
> > follow your suggested standard structure - but I think it has a good
> > reason not to.
> If split into the packages, there would have to be an events package with
the common event code. Actually, the observed package is one of those parts
of [collections] like primitives that is more independent.
> Observable does seem to have the potential to be popular. (I've received
various communications about it.) One possibility might be to create a new
jakarta-commons project for it like primitives. Although that does seem a
little extreme, it might allow it to grow and include other JDK integration
classes for example.
> Stephen
> > Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> > > A technical discussion - much more interesting than management
> > >
> > > I would like to propose a change of package structure within
> > > to an interface based subpackage structure.
> > > - collection
> > > - set
> > > - list
> > > - bag
> > > - buffer
> > > - map
> > > - bidimap
> > > I am proposing moving all the decorators and all the observable
> > > plus all the bidimap classes to this new structure. Other classes can
> > > LATER.
> > >
> > > Reasoning:
> > > 1) [collections] contains two implementations of
> > > and AbstractListIteratorDecorator at present. This happened because it
> > > unclear as to where these classes should reside - in iterators or
> > > decorators.
> > >
> > > The base interface is the simplest, most obvious division - 'I want a
> > > that....', so look in the map package. Its also the one used in
> > > releases with comparators/iterators.
> > >
> > > 2) [collections] has four ways to group classes at present -
> > > decorators, observed collections, comparators/iterators and other.
This is
> > > very confusing. The previous two releases have created the comparators
> > > iterators subpackages, now is the time to finish the job along the
> > > lines.
> > >
> > > 3) The distinction between a decorator and a non-decorator is too fine
> > > me, and non-obvious to the user. We already have the proposal that all
> > > decorators should have a default collection implementation, making
them no
> > > different to a non-decorator implementation to the user. Also, some
> > > implementations like HashBag/TreeBag/DualHashBidiMap are essentially
> > > decorators, but not in the decorators package.
> > >
> > > The decorators subpackage was created as a breakout of inner classes,
> > > because it was a sensible component package design. Its unreleased, so
> > > fix the mistake NOW.
> > >
> > > 4) The MultiMap interface could do with reworking. By moving to a
> > > subpackage, the same name can be used but with a much better API (the
> > > interface in the main package can't be changed as its an interface).
> > > is a similar problem with the Bag interface.
> > >
> > > Arguments against, and counter reasons:
> > > 1) 'Too much change' - But decorators and observed are unreleased. The
> > > BidiMap interface/classes are also unreleased. Now is the time to give
> > > a proper home. Change is always painful, but deprecations will occur,
> > > [collections] is way bigger than it was when it started. Note that I
am not
> > > proposing moving every [collections] class at this point, only the
> > > decorators/observed/bidimaps.
> > >
> > > 2) 'Decorators are distinct and should be kept separate' - But the
> > > subpackage already contains a mixture, and no-one is greatly bothered.
> > > 'Iterators' is a more important gropuing than 'decorators'. IMO it is
> > > clearer having the iterators together, rather than some iterators here
> > > some there.
> > >
> > > 3) 'Subpackages collide' - But there is currently no collision that
> > > cause a problem. No class can implement both Collection and Map. No
> > > can implement both Set and List. Classes are always intended for one
> > > purpose.
> > >
> > >
> > > This may be controversial, I don't know. But to me, the current layout
> > > now just perfectly ridiculous. It needs sorting and IMHO this is the
> > > solution. (I will do the work)
> > >
> > > Stephen
> >
> >
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