I think both our latest adventure in the math cvs tree and the existing discussion about stale sandbox projects warrants some consideration of a standardized policy for migration out of the sandbox.

I think the current Wiki:

Should be augmented with a process which maintains the cvs tree history on migration from the sandbox and that this approach should be promoted over the existing cvs import approach.

This will involve the following steps:

3. Actual CVS move for project "foo":

- Log in to your Apache cvs account on cvs.apache.org:

- go to your sandbox project directory

$cd /home/cvs/jakarta-commons-sandbox/foo

- back it up to your local account

$tar -cvf ~/jakarta-commons-sandbox-foo.tar .

- go to the commons and create a new directory for your project

$cd /home/cvs/jakarta-commons
$mkdir foo
$chmod 775 foo
$cd foo

- Expand your backup tarball into this directory

$tar -xvf ~/jakarta-commons-sandbox-foo.tar

- Verify that group permissions are correct across the subdirectories.

$find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;

- Verify that group permissions are correct across the files.

$find . -type f -exec chmod 444 {} \;

- Verify that your project can be cvs checked out and built properly by yourself and others.

- Verify that you and others can cvs commit properly in new directory.

Finally, remove the old cvs project directory from the sandbox:

$rm -Rf /home/cvs/jakarta-commons-sandbox/foo

Please review this process and provide any comments/thoughts, Mark -- Mark Diggory Software Developer Harvard MIT Data Center http://www.hmdc.harvard.edu

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