
;-) thank you for putting my name in the author field of
ReloadingStrategy, but I do not deserve this honour. This is all your

That was your idea ;)

I have one remark and this is not specific to your code, but applies to
whole configuration: Our exception handling is very inconsistent in some
points. For instance, in the new PersistentConfiguration interface the
save() method throws an IOException and the load() method throws an
Exception. I know, this is because the underlying methods you want to
call have these throws clauses. So I would suggest to make this more

Indeed, I started with the load() and save() methods throwing an IOException, then I changed to an Exception on load() to be compatible with the DOM4JConfiguration.load() method throwing a DOM4JException.

There are some methods that have a throws Exception clause, which is
quite ugly in my opinion. Well, some of them can indeed throw a bunch of
different exception types. What could we do to improve this? How about
introducing a ConfigurationException class, which can have a nested

I agree, that's a common practice. If a persistent configuration was stored into a database we would get a SQLException on load() & save(), so we need a generic exception abstracting the implementation exceptions. A ConfigurationException is a better choice than a simple Exception.

What do others think about this? This is a kind of cleanup, which maybe
should be done before the first release. Later it could be more
problematic because of compatibility issues.

Is there a 1.0 release planned soon after the promotion of [configuration] to Commons Proper ?

Emmanuel Bourg

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