Eric Pugh wrote:

Re: [configuration] Exception handling - was Automatic reloadingI would like
to move on a 1.0 very aggressively now that the vote has passed.  Part of me
feels that we should basically take the code as is and make that be 1.0.  It
is very well tested, stable, and in use in some projects.  By cutting a 1.0,
then we can take our time thinking about the best way to extend
configuration.  Right now there seem to be a couple ideas floating about:

1) Reloadable Configurations.  Change a configuration from a static to a
dynamic set of data.  This may drag along ideas like a reloading strategy

I think this feature can wait the 1.1 release. This will let some time to test and refine the code.

2) Extend getters.. Add more different types of gets..

This could be included in the 1.0 release, the implementation is quite straightforward. I think the basic types found in java.util (Date, Calendar, TimeZone, Locale, Currency), (URI, URL), java.text (DateFormat, NumberFormat, MessageFormat) are good candidates for the new getters.

Regarding getters I would also consider changing the getVector() methods into getList() before 1.0.

3) Better Exception handling.  The more sophisticated Configuration gets,
the more types of exceptions we need to deal with.

We should at least include a basic ConfigurationException in the 1.0 release, the hierarchy could be built later if needed.

By having a 1.0 out of the way, we can start on 1.1 which might include work
in these three areas without feeling pressure to jam something out quick
just to get it in pre 1.0.   I would rather release often and have the API
change then stall until we are happy with everything in the API!



We will be reluctant to make changes breaking the compatibility after the 1.0 release. That's why I think we should clean the API before the first official release.

Emmanuel Bourg

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