Jeremias Maerki wrote:
Packages and
I'd like to merge these into one package which contains all InputStreams, OutputStreams, Readers and Writers. Currently, we have 1 Writer, 0 Readers, and the rest are streams. I just think it makes more sense to have these classes side by side. For example -- ProxyInputStream and ProxyOutputStream, DemuxInputStream and DemuxOutputStream. These classes will most like be used together, and change together, so lets put them together.

Here are some ideas for a name:
- good, but there may be readers, writers also

I like this most. I don't think there is a problem if we put Readers and
Writers in there.

OK, then perhaps io.streams is the best place. However, I believe that Henri preferred leaving the classes split between io.input and io.output. Henri, can you chime in and give us the reason for your opinion on this again?


This class only has one method, dump(byte[], long, OutputStream, int).
I would like to move this method to IOUtils as dumpHex, then deprecate
and remove the original class.

-0. I'm thinking about visibility. I don't like filling up IOUtils with
too much. People need to find out quickly what capabilities IO has. For
HexDump (a class I haven't looked at, yet) I can imagine several layout
modes. The code for that may inflate IOUtils too much for my taste.

I didn't quite understand HexDump. If you feel that it has room to grow and would clutter IOUtils, then let's leave it.

Also, what are the opinions on renaming IOUtils to IoUtils? I think there's a guideline in "Elements of Java Style" that suggests capitalizing acronyms in this way.

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