On 28.12.2003 20:34:05 Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> From: "__matthewHawthorne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >>Packages o.a.c.io.input and o.a.c.io.output
> > >>----------------------------------------------------------------
> > OK, then perhaps io.streams is the best place.  However, I believe that
> > Henri preferred leaving the classes split between io.input and
> > io.output.  Henri, can you chime in and give us the reason for your
> > opinion on this again?
> I also support input and output (as is), as they just seem like an obvious
> classification. Is there any real need for them to be together?
> [collections] has suffered by putting things in one place when they should
> have been split.

I'm also totally ok with leaving everything as is.

> > Also, what are the opinions on renaming IOUtils to IoUtils?  I think
> > there's a guideline in "Elements of Java Style" that suggests
> > capitalizing acronyms in this way.
> I wouldn't change from IOUtils, it just looks right.

I agree.

> Actually, you might want to consider InputUtils and OutputUtils instead.
> Again, this seems like the obvious classification.

Going through IOUtils I don't quite see how the methods would be
separated in these two classes. Any ideas?

Jeremias Maerki

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