The subject of @author tags has been discussed on and off here and
elsewhere with no apparent consensus.  In a recent post to general@, Ted
Husted pointed to this post


by Greg Stein to community at, which raises some disturbing
legal and community issues around the use of @author tags. I am convinced by his arguments that we should eliminate @author tags uniformly once we clean up the web site and get the process of updating and publishing contributor lists routinized (read: complete the mavenization of the j-c web site).

I assume that this needs to be decided for each of the components
separately.  With that in mind, I would like to start by removing/omitting
@author tags from [uid] and I would like to propose that we pull them out
of [collections] and [lang] as and when we complete mavenization of the
websites for these components (or otherwise publish a full and up-to-date
contributors list).

Now would be a good time to act on [collections], since we are about to cut a release. So...what do we think about pulling out the @author tags from [collections] and pushing out the maven site with 3.0? If we want to hold off on the mavenization until we have worked out the larger j-c site issues, we can just add a "contributors" page to the existing site to acknowledge contributors. If others are in favor, I will volunteer to grep out the @authors and do this.


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