If you could put your refactorings in a branch, that would be very cool
(easier to merge from / to head). My time is limited too (I am moving in
a couple of weeks), but I'll see if I can find the time to get some
betwixt work done.
Maybe an update on IRC ?


On Mon, 2004-01-05 at 22:19, robert burrell donkin wrote:
> i've now realized that releasing the alpha was a major mistake: it 
> should have been a 0.1 release. it's reasonable solid as far as it 
> goes.
> the problem is that the code needs a *lot* of refactoring before the 
> functionality that consider the minimal for a full release can be 
> added. there's also going to be a lot of deprecated code that will need 
> to be removed before it's ready. this means that probably one or two 
> minor 0.x releases would be needed. (a secondary issue is that now i'm 
> not on the pmc i don't feel able to cast binding vote on legally 
> important issues or cut releases so even if the work was done, someone 
> else would need to act as release manager.)
> i've been working on a major refactoring of betwixt for a long time now 
> but i've also got a number of local versions with extra bits and pieces 
> in. unfortunately, too much of my time has been taken up with jakarta 
> stuff in the last few months and i haven't been able to sort out this 
> mess :(
> now that i've finished with that, i should have more coding time :)
> i've made some progress on the refactoring recently but i've neglected 
> a lot of other projects i'm interested in and have a lot of catching up 
> to do.
> realistically i'm not going to be in a position to put the refactored 
> stuff in cvs for a while yet. (i'm very committed to backwards 
> compatibility and the final details of the design aren't clear in my 
> mind yet though the broad outline is). if there's interest from other 
> committers i could think about tidying the refactored stuff up and 
> putting it into a branch so that we can talk about the design.
> - robert
> On 29 Dec 2003, at 14:38, Tim O'Brien wrote:
> > Understood.  I'm in the same boat as you.
> >
> > Let me know if you need any release support.  In the meantime, if you 
> > find
> > yourself overburdened, let's start delegating.
> >
> > I'm surprised that we have enough time to talk about all these
> > philosophical J-C vs. A-C issues, or even debating author tags when
> > something as important as Betwixt sits in an Alpha for so long.
> >
> > Tim
> >
> >
> > On 29 Dec 2003, Martin van den Bemt wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Tim,
> >>
> >> On my part that almost all my "resources" go to my gui framework xulux
> >> on codehaus, my work, my newly acquired family and preparation for my
> >> new house. I try to organize a "betwixt" night so now and then, but 
> >> that
> >> is hardly enough time to get a new release out the door.
> >> Robert is probably busy (or on a holiday?) and James has moved on to
> >> other projects.
> >> So currently betwixt is a bit asleep and wakes up so know and then 
> >> when
> >> I can schedule a betwixt night.
> >>
> >> Mvgr,
> >> Martin
> >>
> >> On Tue, 2003-12-23 at 19:55, Tim O'Brien wrote:
> >>> Betwixt is a very useful component, and a number of people would 
> >>> like to
> >>> start using it in production systems.
> >>>
> >>> Could someone give a quick update as to why Betwixt is still at a 1.0
> >>> alpha?  and, also provide a timeline for a 1.0 release.
> >>>
> >>> Tim
> >>>
> >>>
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> > -- 
> > ----------------------
> > Tim O'Brien
> > Evanston, IL
> > (847) 863-7045
> >
> >
> >
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