Stephen Colebourne wrote:
(link to Javadoc for 3.0 isn't there yet....)


Looks good in general. Here are a few comments and nits:


I like the nav bar setup (most relevant stuff on top), but I am wondering whether we need some of the stuff at the bottom at all. Specifically,

* Do we really need to show links to every commons/sandbox component?
  Might the link to Components.html suffice by itself?  If we decided
  to standardize on this approach, we would not have to worry about
  regenerating and redeploying all of the maven sites when new things
  are added to the sandbox or things move from the sandbox to the
  commons proper. I know that eventually we will have an integrated
  maven site, but even then it seems like all of the links on every
  page might be overkill.

* Given that the javadoc is available directly, I don't see a lot
  of value in including the Project Reports on the public site.
  This stuff goes out of date quickly and I don't see us updating
  the sight nightly.  Some of the reports (e.g. checkstyle) are
  also quite large.


Arun's name is out of alpha sort order in the team list and still appears on the contributors list.

Several places in the xdoc have things like "<code>SomeCoolThing</code>." Between maven and Mozilla, the end result is that a space is inserted between "SomeCoolThing" and "." Using <code>SomeCoolThing.</code>, while somewhat illogical, fixes this.

We need to add a logo image of some kind or override the <logo> in
../project.xml, since I think this will show up as a broken image ref under IE.


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