Inger, Matthew wrote:
"Math" does not need to be localized in a lot of places, but
exception messages should be localized.  This is a common thing
that people miss.  If i am in italy, using this product, i would
expect the exception messages be in Italian, not English.  So, in
general the support for additional locales should be there in any
api product for ANY strings it uses which might show up on a ui
screen or the console.

I am with Henri here. I would not expect error messages from [math] (or [collections] or [lang], etc.) to be passed up directly to a gui or end user console. Designing and managing error messages for the end user to see should happen at the application level, supported by something like [resources], IMHO. I would be hesitant to take on the maintenance of localized [math] error message strings or to load too much content into these strings. Same would apply to other commons components.

Do you have specific examples in mind?


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