Mark R. Diggory wrote:

1.) Change all the project.xml files in all the projects to point to


This task is now complete on all project.xml files that originally had this extension present. Note: there are existing project.xml files that do not actually extend the global project.xml currently present in subprojects.

2.) reconfigure any maven.xml and to be run from this new location.

I'm having some difficulty with this in /jakarta-commons/commons-build/maven.xml

specifically, I can seem to change the relative location of the */project.xml files from the base to "../*/project.xml". Any tips here would be great.

For example:

<goal name="build">



just seems to fail silently when I run maven build. Maybe I'm missing something simple. Here's the resulting output

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/mdiggory/jakarta-commons/commons-build> maven -X build
__ __
| \/ |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \ ~ intelligent projects ~
|_| |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_| v. 1.0-rc1-SNAPSHOT

[DEBUG] Adding reference: maven.dependency.classpath ->
[available] [VERBOSE] Unable to find src/java to set property sourcesPresent
[available] [VERBOSE] Unable to find src/test to set property unitTestSourcesPresent
[DEBUG] Adding reference: maven-classpath ->
Total time: 7 seconds
Finished at: Tue Feb 10 12:45:06 PST 2004

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/mdiggory/jakarta-commons/commons-build>

3.) Remove the original from this location:

 >>> /jakarta-commons/xdocs
 >>> /jakarta-commons/project.xml
 >>> /jakarta-commons/navigation.vm
 >>> /jakarta-commons/maven.xml
 >>> /jakarta-commons/incl_nav.xml
 >>> /jakarta-commons/LICENSE.txt

So, please, if your working on any of these files, do checkout the /jakarta-commons/commons-build, verify you can edit it, and make any future modifications there instead of in the jakarta-commons directory.


Mark R. Diggory wrote:

Martin Cooper wrote:

On Sun, 8 Feb 2004, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

I don't want to make this change and step on anyones foot while doing it
so I'll put it to a vote. To recap:

The issue involves consolidating the global commons build and site
generation files into their own directory within the jakarta-commons
project dir.

Here is a list of the current files:


One significant omission from this list is /jakarta-commons/combo/. Any
discussion of centralising global build and site creation needs to take
this into account as well.

I was avoiding anything not to do with the new Maven Build stuff, primarily because I have no idea how many are truly dependent on it (i.e. Craig M. or Gump etc).

I'd also note that the multiproject plugin and proper tagging of the cvs tree may actually supersede the combo project in functionality in terms of generating a full versioned release distribution of commons components.

1.) I'm suggesting the following changes initially for Maven related stuff:


I don't like commons-site (or site either) because it's more than just the
web site. I'd be more tempted to call it something like shared-build.

how about just "build" or "commons-build"?

Note that any changes here need to preserve the ability to build
components using 'ant clean dist', regardless of whether the component has
been Mavenised, so that they don't break the nightly build process.

 > --
 > Martin Cooper

Again, this is a separate process from the Maven related build stuff. I wasn't planning a move of the old ant build stuff.

-- Mark Diggory Software Developer Harvard MIT Data Center

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