It looks like this feature is pretty new to the xdoc plugin cvs and not currently in this release candidate. I suspect it will be in the next, otherwise I can recommend that we upgrade all our xdoc plugin tot eh latest release.

I'll test this further later today.


Stephen Colebourne wrote:

From: "robert burrell donkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

i like this sounds of this (regardless of whether we find a way to make
the menus collapse or not.

+0. I still think we should add explicit links in the top section for each

I was thinking that maybe the Sandbox projects should _not_ be linked on the
side of every page. These projects are not released, and can move and vary
more over time. Perhaps the best combination is for links for each commons
proper project, and a single link for the sandbox. I would like to demote
the sandbox a bit - it might have the effect of pushing some projects to
promote ;-)


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