
You don't need to be working with the cvs head of maven to get this look and feel, simply upgrading the xdoc plugin to its latest release (1.5) produces the new L&F.

%maven -DgroupId=maven -DartifactId=maven-xdoc-plugin -Dversion=1.5 plugin:download

And your site will have the new look and feel. I think its difficult to restrict developers to publishing with the "current release" of Maven when they may be working with different versions of the plugins (many times out of necessity). For instance, if we want to have Project Documentation above the Common Navigation, we will need to be using xdoc 1.5

I'm not convinced myself that a "standardization" to this particular version of Maven is going to be very beneficial at this time. I think we should plan to standardize on the future official 1.0 release after Maven has worked though its release candidate process.


Tim O'Brien wrote:
Hey, someone is publishing Commons Maven sites with an unreleased version of Maven. Probably either from Maven's CVS HEAD, or a beta version.

BeanUtils, Betwixt, and Digester all have the newish Maven L+F. A decision was reached a while back to standardize on the released version of Maven.

Could whoever did that please get the released version of Maven and republish those sites?

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