On 16 Feb 2004, at 02:52, Simon Kitching wrote:
On Mon, 2004-02-16 at 11:43, robert burrell donkin wrote:
On 12 Feb 2004, at 06:25, Simon Kitching wrote:


the second is the state of the code. i'm of the opinion that the
digester team has been at fault in not releasing often enough. so i'd
be happy to push towards a quick 1.6 if a suitable volunteer could be
found. there are a number of extra features i'd really like to see in
digester but i don't regard them as blockers.

Ouch. The "digester team" is really you + me, and mostly you. [Though Craig did pop up again recently].

craig's the spiritual leader of digester. he's sometimes busy and sometimes very busy but he's (in many ways) irreplaceable.

but the team is really much wider: jakarta commons is (or intends to be) a single community. we're one big team here. if you (or any other commons committer) want to make a contribution to any other component, all you have to do is ask and then add yourself to the list of committers for that component. there are dozen or so pmc members in the commons teams who have the skills to cut releases.

Is there anyone out there willing to be the release manager for Digester
version 1.6? I'm happy to do most of the work, but have not been
involved in any commons release before.

it's up to you but i'm not willing to cast binding release votes.

i know it's hard but things in jakarta (and the ASF) are changing. like a supertanker, it takes a long time to change direction but once it starts to happen, the process gains an unstoppable momentum of it's own. if it's to survive, jakarta will have to find ways to allow projects to create releases in the new structure. once that's sorted out, then there should be ways to release digester and beanutils (and betwixt, logging and the rest).

if you feel strongly enough about releasing digester (and have some flameproof boots ;) once the preparation work is finished, you could think about petitioning the jakarta pmc about supplying an official release manager.

- robert

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