I've been doing some house keeping, trivial things like updating any author
tags that are commons-Uid team to commons-Id team, adding any missing
@version tags, etc. It seems the header file has spaces that checkstyle
applies the white space checks to. I've changed the *[space] to *[nospace]
lines 3,7,9 and made the changes to all files. Does this sound ok?

Another question, is there a strong preference on the try.. } .. catch on a
new line;
try {
catch () {


versus one line;
try {
} catch () {

I'd like to make consistent throughout. I have no preference really, it's
also trivial and can be left as is.
Along the trival path; my preference is not to have ... I think the
checkstyle check is "hides a field". I'd like to change the private boolean
"wrap" field to "wrapping" if desired, but I realize it may be over
stepping, so I'll wait for a go-ahead?
e.g.: this.wrap = wrap -to- this.wrapping = wrap

I've also added the option to make version four uuid optionally use
SecureRandom or Random, made the PRNG settable. As discussed added
IdentifierGeneratorFactory.uuidVersionOneGenerator() and
IdentifierGeneratorFactory.uuidVersionFourGenerator() code as well as -

I'll send patches for review following outcome the ?'s above.

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