> > If you don't build a commons for such a things, each new
> > project will have to make it's own implementation.

> That is a good argument, but in geronimo we tend to avoid stuff from
> jakarta commons as the modules tend to be highly coupled, so if I only
> want one jar I end up getting 11 mbs of jars.  Now don't get me wrong,
> I like common libraries, but they need to be highly decoupled, tight
> and address truly common complex problems (if something is trivial or
> not common, I'll just copy the code in).

Where do you see issues?  Please be as specific as possible.  Nothing
changes without constructive feedback.  :-)

By way of an example, I believe that DBCP requires pooling and collections.
That means that it does not have to re-implement either, and those seem like
reasonable dependencies.  And the two dependencies are quite useful in their
own right.  And I'd like to see better logging support in all of them.

        --- Noel

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