I'm playing with commons-math to implement a data mining algorithm and I am having a performance problem.

I am doing running statistics over an ordered set of data, storing the statistics at each new value I come across. One way of doing this would be to have an array of SummaryStatistics and do

for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
    for (int j = i; j < length; j++)

another way is to do

for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
    statsArray[i] = SerializationUtils.clone(stats);

A lot of these objects are marked Serializable, but clone methods do not exist. That's why I use commons-lang SerializationUtils. Unfortunately, that makes the cloning take up 50% of my runtime because (de)serialization is expensive.

I will probably patch the statistics classes, implementing enough of clone() to make me happy. Would you like this patch?

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