> Made a change to get more log info from ant script. Will probably fail
> tonight :-(

All I can see from here is the one failure unit test:


If you turn on junit reports in the build, and tell Gump where to find them,
it'll list them for you to view remotely.

Something like:

        <junitreport nested="collections/build/junit/results"/> (or wherever
they'd be)

Added to:


In here:

  <project name="commons-collections">
    <url href="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/collections.html"/>
    <ant basedir="collections" target="dist">
      <property name="component.version" value="@@DATE@@"/>
    <depend project="ant" inherit="runtime"/>
    <depend project="xml-xerces"/>
    <depend project="junit"/>
    <work nested="collections/build/classes"/>
    <work nested="collections/build/tests"/>
    <home nested="collections/build"/>
    <jar name="commons-collections-@@DATE@@.jar"/>
    <javadoc nested="collections/build/docs/apidocs"/>

    <nag to="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
         from="Ted Husted &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt;"/>

All apache folk have CVS commit permissions on Gump.

BTW: Other Gump run do occur at other times (not just once nightly), so you
might get a preview by looking at one of the others:




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